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Shakey Lakes Association 2022 Fall Meeting

Shakey Lakes Campground

September 3, 2022; 9:00 a.m.



CALL TO ORDER – 9:00 AM at Shakey Lakes Park Pavilion

• Approval of Agenda
• Approval of Spring Meeting Minutes
• Treasurer’s Report






  • Water Level / Updates

  • 4th July Boat Parade Recap

  • Meeting Format Vote      

  • Voting Members

  • SLA Website Funding





Learn to Ski / Shakey Lakes Ski Show

Open Forum

Election of Officers





Spring Meeting: TBD


Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 9:02

Approval of Agenda: Donna approved, Chuck second


Approval of Minutes

Herman motion to approve, Donna second


Standing Reports


Treasurers Report

17 Paying Members

Treasurer presented a summary of account standings and activity in the since last meeting.  

 Checking Account: Current Balance $2,213

CD: (renewal balance); Maturity Date: 11-19-2023(auto-renewed); Current Value =$5,074

Total Assets: $7,287.00


$40 Newspaper Print Add

$50 Winner of the 2022 July 4th Boat Parade​

$160 Shakey Lakes Website


Committee Reports



Old Business


Water level Update:


The County Board set aside approximately $160,000 for a potential project involving the bypass culvert at the Shakey Lakes Dam. The bypass culvert is used to lower the water level; however, it is currently inoperable. They envision a design that would allow the gate to be raised/lowered by hand, thus making it easier and more practical to open when needed to lower the water level. They are still waiting for the consultant to finish their report and present their final findings before they move into the design phase for this project which is still dependent on final pricing and the County Board’s approval. Currently, the report has been submitted and the County is waiting on input from EGLE.


Jon Strom and Donna Liska petitioned to write a letter to the County on behalf of the lake’s association requesting the addition of one more board on the SLA DAM to help maintain water levels. The association approved the letter but requested that Donna and Jon circulate it before sending it to the county.


Meeting Format & Dates:

A discussion was had on moving the Spring and Fall meeting off the Memorial and Labor Day weekend with the expectation that more members will be able to attend and current members may enjoy time with their families. The association hopes to hold its Spring Meeting the 1st or 2nd weekend after Memorial Day. We also hope this makes it easier to have a member of the County join us to discuss the ongoing SLA DAM project. There was also discussion on a virtual meeting or the ability to allow members to dial into a conference call. At this point, the cellular and internet service at the campground will not support these formats.


Voting Member:

A motion was made by Kevin Dolsky to define that anyone who pays their $25 dues may vote whether in person or via proxy. Rob Schultz 2nd the motion and it passed unanimously.


New Business



Ross Doucette proposed a “Learn-to-Ski” weekend co-sponsored by the lake association and available to all members and the local community followed by a water-ski show. The concept is currently being researched, and he will continue to explore the cost and necessary means to execute it in the 2024 calendar year.


Open Forum:

Kevin Dolsky brought up the idea of participant events similar to the 4th of July Parade, that the association can help organize. A few ideas included a Fishing Tournament, Kids Fishing Tournament, or BBQ and Band at the campgrounds. A general discussion was had on various ways that we can engage the local community and become a positive supporting association.


Joe Liska brought up weed control and the possibility of hiring a weed cutter in the future. A few members agreed to research options.


Election of Officers:

Ross Doucette – President

Jeff Thomas – Vice President

Chuck Dolsky – Treasurer

Scott Weimer – Secretary




Rob Schultz

Donna Liska



Adjourned – 10:05 a.m.


**2023 Spring Meeting TBD**

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