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Shakey Lakes Association 2022 Spring Meeting

Shakey Lakes Campground

May 29, 2022; 9:00 a.m.



CALL TO ORDER – 9:00 AM at Shakey Lakes Park Pavilion

• Approval of Agenda
• Approval of Fall Meeting Minutes
• Treasurer’s Report


Checking Account:  

CD: (renewal balance); Maturity Date: 11-19-2023

(auto-renewed); Current Value = $5,071.50 



TOTAL ASSETS: $ 7,204.63





  • Water Level / Updates

  • Meeting Format and Fall Date       

  • Defining Voting Members

  • SLA Website Funding

  • Drawdown Permit





Fall Election of Officers:


Membership Dues:





Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 9:05

Approval of Agenda: Lisa approved, Donna second


Approval of Minutes

Chuck motion to approve, Donna second


Standing Reports


Treasurers Report

Treasurer presented a summary of account standings and activity in the since last meeting.  

 Checking Account: Current Balance $2,113.13

CD: (renewal balance); Maturity Date: 11-19-2023(auto-renewed); Current Value =$5,071.50 

Total Assets: $7,204.63 


Committee Reports



Old Business


Lake Level

GEI was hired last fall to study the dam and develop a maintenance & operations plan.  The report is due in July.  It is currently visible that the dam is leaking.  The level has been determined by court order.  The club will review the report before it takes any action.


Lake Drawdown

EGLE denied our permit to complete the lake drawdown in the fall of 2021 due to insufficient time to complete a stranded species study or public hearing.  The SLA Permit for the court-ordered lake drawdown expired 3/2022. Additional conversation was had on if the drawdowns are still effective and other various routes for weed control such as chemicals & bugs used on other lakes.  Association decided to pause any efforts to proceed with future drawdowns as we evaluate other routes provided by EGLE. Individual property owners were encouraged to contact EGLE to better understand various routes (physical, mechanical, or chemical) they may pursue to control weeds on their shoreline or to present to the group. 


Meeting Format/Dates

Group discussion was had on options for future meetings including moving off holiday weekends and virtual meetings.  No final decision was made on standard format.  

A vote will be held at the fall meeting: Option 1 - In person twice a year on the holiday weekend; Option 2 - One in person meeting and one virtual meeting; Option 3 - Write in choice.


Voting Members

Discussion was had on what should constitute a voting member including ideas of paying dues, land owner on the lake, land owner in the area, season campers, etc.  Additional conversation was had on if that is one vote per due payment or one vote per property.  Also a discussion was had on creating two tiers of members - voting and non-voting.  It was concluded that we would put a formal motion to vote at the fall meeting.



Website continues to run and is maintained by Ross.  Treasurer noted that the annual fee for the website is $150.  Group agreed the site was valuable and a motion was approved to keep it running.  Last year the website was funded by a donation from Nicolet National Bank and Chuck is looking into getting that funding again this year.


New Business


Treasury Activity

Checks are accepted for annual dues.

No new disbursements needed approval.


Membership Fees

Group discussion was had on keeping the membership fee and setting the value at $25.  Based on discussion a motion was made by Lisa and approved by Rob to keep annual fee at $25 for 2022. 


Open Forum

Conversation was had on how to increase membership.  Agreed to send email to the distribution list  a few weeks before the fall meeting as a reminder.  Agreed to send a copy of the minutes to the distribution list of the spring meeting.  Discussion was had on putting fliers in property owners mailboxes.  Discussion was had on increasing word of mouth and each bringing a guest to the next meeting.  No action was agreed to on the last two items.  Discussion was had on formalizing voting member requirements before large solicitation of new members. 


Discussion was had on the success of the July 4th Boat parade in 2021.  Association agreed to help promote the parade and formalize it as an annual event on the Saturday of the holiday weekend at 11:00 am.  Kevin Dolsky has volunteered to help organize this year.  (Post meeting it was determined by the board to move the parade to Sunday at 1:00 due to the local parade on Saturday.)


**A motion passed to hold the Fall meeting on Saturday, September 3rd, 9am at the park campground**

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