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Shakey Lakes Association 2021 Spring Meeting

Shakey Lakes Campground

May 29th, 2021; 9:00 a.m.


CALL TO ORDER – 9:00 AM at Shakey Lakes Park Pavilion

• Approval of Agenda
• Approval of September 5, 2020 Meeting Minutes
• Treasurer’s Report



• Update on Lake Level situation
• Purpose / Function of the SLA


• Any Required Disbursements
• SLA Website
• Lake Drawdown & Court Order Dated 2007
• Membership Fees
• Meeting Format / Dates







Ross Doucette, Chuck Dolsky, Lisa Trousil, Chuck Steele, Vickie Moker, Mike Stankevitz, Jonathan Strom, Jim & Linda Cappaert, Joe & Donna Liska, Dave Dolsky, Kevin & Karrie Dolsky, Matthew Dolsky


Call to Order : Meeting called to order at 9:04

Approval of Agenda: Motion approved


Approval of Minutes

Motion approved with edit to strike out phrase “The Whispering Pines Club has their own launch area and was adamantly opposed to using the funds for any improvements at the Park boat launch that would benefit all users.”


Standing Reports


Treasurers Report

Treasurer did a walk-through of all activity in the account since last meeting.  Last summer prior executive board closed association bank account and two money orders were created with funds.  After fall meeting new president and treasurer reopened Flagstaff Bank original accounts and deposited the money orders.  Nicolet Bank will be sponsoring our website via a $300 donation.    


Checking Account:  

CD: (renewal balance); Maturity Date: 11-19-2021; Current Value = 5,061.00 
TOTAL ASSETS: $ 6,542.00


Committee Reports



Introduction of New Officers

Ross Doucette – President; Chuck Dolsky – Treasurer; Lisa Trousil – Secretary and Donna Liska – Board Member were present and introduced themselves.  Additional Board Members were not present Steve Krammerer – Vice-President; Rob Schulz – Board Member; Jeff Thomas – Board Member.


Old Business


Lake Level

No new updates from last fall.  County put responsibility on road committee via court order and no plans as of now to adjust level mid-season.  Last fall engineers reset level and now are watching what happens with mother nature this year.  Local residents reviewing levels.  No automatic mechanism at this time to adjust levels. Additional conversation followed on individuals opinions of lake levels versus historical levels.  No action will be taken as a group this year as we observe what happens on the lake.

Topic will be added to agenda for fall meeting.


Purpose /  Function SLA

Purpose and function of SLA group was open for discussion among group.  Emphasis was put on communication of happenings in area.  Board proposed mission statement was read: “To preserve and protect our surroundings through working together to enhance the water quality, fishery, boating safety, and aesthetic values as a recreation facility for current and future generations while respecting the interest of property owners and the public.” 


*A vote will be held at next meeting on approval of the mission statement. 


New Business


Required Distributions

No new disbursements needing approval.



Wild Rivers Invasive Species Coalition membership set to expire in 2020.  They reached out regarding another 5 year renewal.  The group currently has 74 members in the area.  The group runs on grant money for invasive species management and education across five county service areas.  There is no cost to be a member of the group. 

A motion was passed to sign five year agreement.



Proposal was made to create a website for the organization to improve communication, be a resource for information and hold historical documents for future reference.  Site will be  Intent is to have website up and running in the next 30 – 60 days.  

Motion approved.


Lake Drawdown

It was stated that lake drawdowns have been happening for 25 years, 16 years ago received a court orders to do one draw down every three years.  We have one drawdown left to complete this year.  The process will be to petition courts for another 15 year renewal.    

Motion approved to do final draw down this fall.  Appropriate paperwork will be filled by board. 


*At fall meeting a vote will be taken on renewal for additional drawdowns in future years.


Membership Fees

Group discussion was had on the purpose of the membership fee, value to having a fee for commitment to the organization and current & future monetary needs of the organization. Based on discussion a motion was made and approved to keep annual fee at $25 for 2021


Meeting Format/Date

Group discussion was had on options for future meetings including moving off holiday weekends and virtual meetings.  No final decision was made on Spring meeting. 


**A motion passed to hold the Fall meeting on Saturday, August 28th, 9am at the park campground**


Future Topics

County Administrator coming; Noise Requirements on boats


Open Forum


Open Table to Group

No items for discussion


Meeting Adjourned


Post Meeting Notes


WRISC Response to completed application

We are very excited to hear that Shakey Lakes will be continuing partnership with WRISC! On a related note, we still plan to run our Clean Boats Clean Waters program with the boatwash station at the Shakey Lakes Park landing this year, but we are currently in the process of repairing our boatwashes so I'm not sure which dates we'll schedule to be down there yet as we're waiting until they are fully functional before we schedule. I'll keep you all posted! Thanks again! 

Lindsay Peterson -WRISC Coordinator



Thank you Lisa Trousil!

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