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Shakey Lakes Association 2020 Spring Meeting

Shakey Lakes Campground

July 4, 2020; 9:00 a.m.


The Shakey Lakes Association meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM at the Shakey Lakes Park pavilionon July 4, 2020 by President, Jamie McDonough. This meeting was originally planned for May 23, 2020, but due to the concern for COVID-19 virus and distancing rules we pushed the meeting to July 4th and limited attendance to officers and Board of Directors. Six people attended. SECRETARY’S REPORT: The August 31, 2019 minutes were approved as presented with a motion by Tony Millette; support by Pat Liebman. Motion carried.


TREASURER’S REPORT—Charlene Peterson
Treasurer’s Report dated June 6, 2020 was presented as follows:
Due to a series of monthly fees (penalized for low activity) we have closed our current account on 7-3-2020 with Flagstar (formerly Wells Fargo) Bank. We are presently seeking a new financial institution for our finances. Charlene Peterson will study and update at the next SLA meeting in Fall.
Checking Account: Beginning balance: $ 960.13
Deposits: $ 175.00
Disbursements: SOM filing fee $20; WRISC donation $200; Memorial Tom Ballon $25

($ 245.00)
End Balance: $ 1,110.13
End Balance Adjusted:
15-Statement Fees $2/month and 2-$10 fees for inactivity

($ 50)
CURRENT Checkbook BALANCE $ 1,060.13
CD: (renewal balance); Maturity Date: 11-19-2021; Value on 6-30-2020 = $ 5,052.15 $ 5,045.60
TOTAL ASSETS: $ 6,105.73
Motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s report by Jamie McDonough and supported by Pat Liebman. Motion carried.


Three Shakey Lakes Dam boards (white oak) were recently removed to lower the lake 8”. Shakey Lakes water level is now coming down. According to the weather forecast for balance of the summer, we are expecting above average precipitation in July with about normal level in August and above average temperatures. Question as to when the boards will be put back in has not been established. It costs the County Road Commission an estimated $1000 for every time they adjust the boards. Hermansville, MI has an electronically controlled dam gate. Dick suggested this be looked into for cost and other details. Charlene Peterson will contact the Road Commission about when the boards will be replaced. Drawdown: Time has expired to execute any further drawdowns without new application. It was noted that the purpose of the drawdown is for weed control and not for lake level control; the SLA does not have control of the lake level.

Boat Launch: Dick mentioned that SL Park may have access to crushed limestone to raise the boat launch parking area to reduce or eliminate the constant flooding to that area. Plan is to raise the ground 6-8” or even one foot. The limestone will be available at no cost however it will have to haul it (8-miles) from the local site to the park which is estimated to be around two to three thousand dollars. Additional work to the launch area for improving ingress/egress will include some tree removal and establishing a section ofroad to make it one-way easier access for parking.


During last week’s high-water condition two lake residents contacted the Road Commission expressing concerns over the lake level and (demanding/suggesting) they do something about the lake level. They mentioned they were calling on behalf of the Shakey Lakes Association or at least invoking the SLA during their conversation. It is inappropriate for residents as individuals to use the SLA for leverage. Anyone with an issue should first contact the Association to let the officers know of a problem and seek advice about the proper manner in which to address it.
The Road Commission will be advised to direct the caller to notify the SLA first. The Association (officers) shall be the party to any request for desired action. The Association did not request the boards to be removed in this case. Secretary Jeff Harwig was instructed to draft a letter to the two parties asking them to not invoke the SLA; suggesting they join the SLA, attend meetings, get involved, etc.

MINE UPDATE REPORT—Charlene Peterson
Mine operations are essentially shut down, employees laid off, Stephenson office closed. Not currently working field project but possibly working on Dam Safety permit as initial application was rejected; requiring more studies. Possibly resubmit Dam Permit studies in Summer 2021.


The next meeting of the SLA will be on Saturday, Sept 5, 2020 at 9:00AM CDT, at the Shakey Lakes Park pavilion. Due to State of Michigan EO – masks will be required.


Motion to adjourn made by Tony Millette; supported by Charlene Peterson. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:34 AM.


Respectfully submitted by:
Jeff Harwig, Secretary

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