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Shakey Lakes Association 2021 Fall Meeting

Shakey Lakes Campground

August 28th, 2021; 9:00 a.m.


CALL TO ORDER – 9:00 AM at Shakey Lakes Park Pavilion

• Approval of Agenda
• Approval of Spring Meeting Minutes
• Treasurer’s Report


• Confirm Mission Statement
• 2021 Lake Drawdown 

• SLA Website

• Noise Requirements on Boats

• Meeting Format / Dates


• Future Drawdown Permits

• Aquatic Plant Control and Management









Ross Doucette, Joe Liska, Donna Liska, Rob Schultz, Jon Strom, Cheryl Wozniak, Kevin & Karrie Dolsky, Scott Weimer, Tom Danhieux


Call to Order : Meeting called to order at 9:02 am

Approval of Agenda: Motion approved


Approval of Minutes

Approval of minutes: Motion approved: Kevin Dolsky & Donna Liska 


Standing Reports


Treasurers Report

 A $300 Check was received by Nicolet Bank to sponsor our website.


Checking Account:  

CD: (renewal balance); Maturity Date: 11-19-2021; Current Value = 5,061.00 
TOTAL ASSETS: $ 7,149.13


Committee Reports






Confirm Mission Statement

Mission statement confirmed with an objection to the ambiguity around the phrase “aesthetic value”.


2021 Lake Draw Down, Future Permitting, & Aquatic Plant Control

EGLE denied our permit to complete the lake drawdown in the fall of 2021 due to insufficient time to complete a stranded species study or public hearing.  The SLA Permit for the court-ordered lake drawdown will expire 3/2022. After discussing various routes for weed control and the effectiveness of drawdowns with the lake’s association, we have decided to pause any efforts to proceed with future drawdowns as we evaluate other routes provided by EGLE. At this point, we will not be seeking an extension to the current court order expiring next year. Individual property owners may contact EGLE to better understand various routes (physical, mechanical, or chemical) they may pursue to control weeds on their shoreline. We are currently unaware of any invasive species.


Boat Noise Requirements

No updates were provided.


Meeting Format and Dates

The meeting was held on a non-holiday weekend to hopefully increase attendance. No significant increase in attendance was noted. One out-of-state SLA Member requested to connect to the meeting via Zoom or Teleconference. It was agreed that if we host a remote session for one member, we shall make it available to all members. A Vote will be held in the Spring regarding future meeting formats with one in-person meeting (spring) and one virtual (fall) meeting annually. 


Continued discussion regarding how members can pay dues online either with Venmo or PayPal. Further research will be done and reported back to the group during the 2022 Spring Meeting.


2022 Spring Meeting: Shakey Lakes County Park, Saturday, May 28 @ 9:00 am





Required Distributions

No new disbursements needing approval.


Low Water Level

Currently, the biggest concern expressed by our members is the water level now being too low. Once a management place is developed, we think it will help us better understand the water level variance that should be expected throughout the year. We hope to have a management plan provided to us by the County or Road Commission by our Spring meeting.


Jon Strum has been measuring lake levels throughout this year.  It appears the lake levels have gone down and continue to go down. No adjustments in the boards have been made but the draw-down gate is jammed in an open or semi-open state which continues to release the most water. We have asked the County to evaluate and/or repair the gate to better comply with the court order which states “Road commissions is directed to take whatever steps including alteration of the existing dam control devices to maintain the said level at all times as near as may be possible”. The Association agreed to contribute to the cost of the gate repair or to get an inspection of the draw-down gate provided we knew the total expense upfront. 

































Future Topics

Draw Down Gate repair

Low Water Levels

Posting of Township Ordinances

Meeting Format and Dates

Voting Members


Open Forum


No items for discussion


10:17 am Meeting Adjourned



2022 Spring Meeting: Shakey Lakes County Park, Saturday, May 28 @ 9:00 am



Thank you!!

John Shakey Water Levels.jpg
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